Everlasting Wildflower Flower Bouquet


Gift Wrapped with a Personal Message 

This dried flower bouquet comes with a gift note included. Please let us know your personalised message in the text box at checkout.

Product Details

Our wildflower dried bouquet is a charming and rustic arrangement of various dried flowers and grasses, evoking the untamed beauty of nature. Each element is carefully chosen to capture the essence of wild meadows and sunlit fields preserved in time. The bouquet features an assortment of lavender, baby's breath, ruscus, corn, grasses, poppy seeds and dried daisies. 

Whether displayed in a vintage vase, hung on a wall, or used as a centrepiece, our wildflower dried bouquet serves as a timeless reminder of the fleeting beauty found in nature's most humble treasures.

Flower Colour Multi-coloured
Total Stem Length  c.50cm
Gift Wrapping
Gift Tag Personalised text

Product Care

Upon arrival, open the box and packaging with care. Keep away from direct sunlight, radiators and open flames. Every few months give them a gentle shake outside to remove dust.