Everlasting Gift Bouquet - Wildflower


Product Details

Mark life's precious moments with our Wildflower Everlasting Gift Bouquet – a perfect choice for weddings, special occasions, or simply to share a heartfelt message. This exquisite arrangement showcases a harmonious blend of dried Lavender, Gypsophila, Ruscus, Wheat, Pampas Grass, Poppy Seed Heads and Dried Daisies. This beautiful bouquet combines the beauty of nature with the longevity of dried flowers to ensure your gesture remains a cherished memory for years to come.

Please provide your personal message in the notes at check out. 

Flower Colours Multi-coloured
Bouquet Height  c.50cm
Gift Wrapping
Gift Tag Personalised text

Product Care

Upon arrival, open the box and packaging with care. Keep away from direct sunlight, radiators and open flames. Every few months give them a gentle shake outside.